Find out which movies are worth your time with a mix of reviews of new box office releases, new DVD releases, not-so-new releases and classic cinema too. Basically as I watch them, I review them. So let's relax, grab some popcorn and have fun at the movies!

August 28, 2011


Directed By: Catherine Hardwicke
Written By: Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay) and Stephanie Meyer (novel)

Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke, Taylor Lautner and Cam Gigandet
Rated: PG-13


I'm sure the book is way better but this first film is sure to please as well.

In this first Twilight movie Bella (Kristen Stewart) moves to the town of Forks, Washington to live with her dad, Charlie.  She starts high school and learns about a strange group of pale faced foster siblings known as the Cullens.  One in particular, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is mysterious and sexy and catches Bella's eye.  She's told not to waste her breath however because the Cullens pretty much keep to themselves.  Fate takes over putting Edward and Bella side by side in biology class and it becomes apparent that Edward has a reaction to Bella too.  An event draws them closer until they cannot deny their chemistry for one another.  But Bella (Stewart) notices things about Edward (Pattinson) that lead her to question his existence.  She digs deeper, does some research and realizes she's not dealing with a mortal man but instead a vampire.  The two become entangled and fall head over heels in love which puts everyone at risk.  The question then becomes, can a human and a vampire have a relationship without anyone getting hurt?

Now when I saw this film I was not trying to become a Twihard and only wanted to see what all the hype was about.  I got roped in by the publicity but this first film actually kept me interested.  I got drawn into the character of Bella (Kristen Stewart) and wanted to see how her life would change in the town of Forks.  So by the time the weird Cullens were introduced I was just as intrigued as Bella.  When Edward (Robert Pattinson) walked in I was mesmerized by him as well.  Sure things get weird for awhile but you're along for the ride, waiting to see what's going to happen next.  The music takes you away as well and keeps you on the journey.  Then there's action too!  A trio of nomadic vampires enter the town and they are not there to play nice.  They definitely gave me what I was looking for!  But of course Twilight is mainly known for the romance between Bella and Edward and this film was a great introduction to that.  Yes it's hard to relate to their whirlwind romance but we're not dealing with ordinary circumstance. 
I mean this is just the type of film that you either fall in love with or you hate it.  Nothing about it is realistic so you can't be too critical.  Also all of the human characters are supposed to be teenagers so don't expect the best dialogue.  Leave that to the ancient vampires.  I think this is a nice, youthful, romantic, vampire love story set against beautiful scenery with some pretty good effects added in. 
At the end of the day after seeing this film I hate to admit it but I'm now a Twilight fan.  Team Jacob!

So I say if you're into romance and vampires then definitely check this out!

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